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➼ Hamer, M.T., Northfield, A. (2023). Two new non-native Mediterranean ant species to Britain collected from
cork bark. British Journal of Entomology & Natural History. 36 (3): 199-204. (Link)
➼ Northfield, A., Winder, I. (2020). The Palaeolithic Field Guide: assessing the morphological accuracy in European Upper Palaeolithic Cave Paintings. Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2020, Journal of Anatomy 036. (Link)
➼ (2020) Conchological Society of Britain and Ireland April 2021 report, discovery of the semi-slug Daudebardia c.f. rufa in North Wales. (Link)
➼ (2019) Bangor Aye University News, finding bee orchids outside university buildings. (Link)
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